Conservation Stadium #1

Tarandus Mire, Arctic Circle, Finland


The world loses a football pitch of forest every second.

Let's get some back.

Tim Sparv headshot In partnership with our ambassador, Tim Sparv (former captain of the Finnish Football Team), this project is a virtual football stadium based on real land being conserved by the Foundation.

Support Tim and the Helsinki Foundation by buying a seat. It will be permanently conserved, with your name on it, and the proceeds will go to the next piece of land to be conserved by the Foundation.

Tim has the center circle, but the seats are available, in addition to player positions and corporate boxes.


Choose your Greenspace from the map

Greenspace 5123
Available €400
250 m² / 2691 ft²
67°15'48.816"N 27°11'47.336"E   

About the area

Tarandus Mire is a hundred kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, where there are more reindeer than people.

This area is mostly peat forest. Peat is an amazing organic substance that can store more than 10 times as much carbon as forests. Peat areas are under threat - the peat is cut for fuel, and peat forests are often drained for forestry to increase wood production. Both of these are damaging in several ways.

More than half of Finland's natural peat forest has been destroyed for fuel and wood production.

We've been learning more about peat and we are very pleased to be conserving this area, both for the still-pristine areas and to help restore the damaged parts.

To learn more, we recommend this episode of the wonderful podcast, 99% Invisible, or at least watch Alec Baldwin talking about peatlands for the UN below (less than a minute).
